Recent advances in data collection and data storage techniques enable marketingresearchers to study the individual characteristics of a large range oftransactions and purchases in particular the effects of householdspecificcharacteristics. This book presents the most important and practically relevantquantitative models for marketing research. Each model is presented in detailwith a selfcontained discussion which includes a demonstration of themechanics of the model empirical analysis real world examples andinterpretation of results and findings. The reader of the book will learn howto apply the techniques as well as understand the latest methodologicaldevelopments in the academic literature. Pathways are offered in the book forstudents and practitioners with differing numerical skill levels a basicknowledge of elementary numerical techniques is assumed. « is een netwerk voor sociaal lezen. Wij helpen lezers nieuwe boeken en schrijvers ontdekken, en brengen lezers met elkaar en schrijvers in contact. Meer lezen »
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