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Periodicity Ate:p P
Periodicity Ate:p P

Kwantitatief inzicht voor juristen
Kwantitatief inzicht voor juristen
In toenemende mate is het van belang dat juristen weten om te gaan met kwantitatieve data. Het gaat om inschattingen en kansen van de mate waarin iets wel of... »

Econometric Methods App Bus & Eco C
Econometric Methods App Bus & Eco C
Econometric Methods with Applications in Business and Economics »

A Concise Introduction to Econometrics
A Concise Introduction to Econometrics
An Intuitive Guide »

Quantitative Models In Marketing Research
Quantitative Models In Marketing Research
Recent advances in data collection and data storage techniques enable marketingresearchers to study the individual characteristics of a large range oftransac... »

Non-Linear Time Series Models in Empirical Finance
Non-Linear Time Series Models in Empirical Finance
Although many of the models used in empirical finance are linear, the nature of financial data suggests that non-linear models are more apt for forecasting a... »

Non-Linear Time Series Models in Empirical Finance
Non-Linear Time Series Models in Empirical Finance
Although many of the models used in empirical finance are linear, the nature of financial data suggests that non-linear models are more apt for forecasting a... »