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Changes At Fairacre
Changes At Fairacre

Mrs. Pringle of Fairacre
Mrs. Pringle of Fairacre
Through the eyes of many Fairacre friends we trace Mrs. Pringles life and herstormy standing as the redoubtable cleaner of the towns school. Howevermaddening... »

Village Diary
Village Diary
From the bestselling author of Village School this novel describes thepeople of Fairacre with the exactitude sense of comedy and sharp observation.Here the c... »

Return To Thrush Green
Return To Thrush Green
Three reissues of Miss Reads bestselling novels set in the village of ThrushGreen. They include the original line drawings. Unforgettable characters...drama ... »

Groot tangram boek
Groot tangram boek

The Last Chronicle Of Fairacre
The Last Chronicle Of Fairacre
Changes At Fairacre, Farewell To Fairacre And A Peaceful Retirement: Changes At Fairacre , Farewell To Fairacre , Peaceful Retirement »

The Dreyfus Affair
The Dreyfus Affair
The Scandal That Tore France in Two. »

Farewell To Fairacre
Farewell To Fairacre