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Teruggekeerd uit de Japanse interneringskampen wordt zeemansvrouw Katharina met haar dochtertje Ingrid opgenomen in het gastvrije huis van een deftige Utrech... »

Advances In Chemical Physics
Advances In Chemical Physics
V. 102 »

Advances in Chemical Physics
Advances in Chemical Physics
Advances In Chemical Physics V110 »

The Role Of Degenerate States In Chemistry
The Role Of Degenerate States In Chemistry
A Special Volume of Advances in Chemical Physics »

Advances In Chemical Physics
Advances In Chemical Physics
Advances In Chemical Physics V83 »

Advances in Chemical Physics, Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale: 20th Solvay Conference on Chemistry
Advances in Chemical Physics, Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale: 20th Solvay Conference on Chemistry
20th Solvay Conference on Chemistry Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale »

Advances in Chemical Physics, New Methods in Computational Quantum Mechanics
Advances in Chemical Physics, New Methods in Computational Quantum Mechanics
V.93: New Methods In Computational Quantum Mechanics »

Die Dynamik - von Leibniz zu Lukrez »