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Tesco Plc And The Co-Operative Group (Cws) Limited
Tesco Plc And The Co-Operative Group (Cws) Limited
A Report On The Acquisition Of The Co-Operative Group (Cws) Limited'S Store At Uxbridge Road, Slough, By Tesco Plc »

Rolling Stock Leasing
Rolling Stock Leasing
Provisional Findings »

South East Water Limited And Mid Kent Water Limited
South East Water Limited And Mid Kent Water Limited
A Report On The Completed Water Merger Of South East Water Limited And Mid Kent Water Limited »

Stansted Airport Limited
Stansted Airport Limited
Q5 Price Control Review »

Thermo Electron Manufacturing Limited And Gv Instruments Limited Merger Inquiry
Thermo Electron Manufacturing Limited And Gv Instruments Limited Merger Inquiry
A Report On The Completed Acquisition Of Gv Instruments Limited By Thermo Electron Manufacturing Limited »

The Supply Of Groceries In The Uk
The Supply Of Groceries In The Uk
Market Investigation »

Acquisition By British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc Of 17.9 Per Cent Of The Shares In Itv Plc
Acquisition By British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc Of 17.9 Per Cent Of The Shares In Itv Plc
Report Sent to Secretary of State (BERR) 14 December 2007 »

The Supply Of Groceries In The Uk Market Investigation
The Supply Of Groceries In The Uk Market Investigation
Provisional Findings Report »