Miss Reads charming Thrush Green series continues with Friends at ThrushGreen. There had been general dismay when Miss Watson and Miss Fogerty retiredto BartonontheSea after many years of devoted service teaching the childrenof Thrush Green so their visit to see old friends in the village brings greatpleasure. The new headmaster Alan Lester is cautiously accepted but rumor isrife about his wifes health.Meanwhile Farmer Percy Hodge is also the subject of local speculation Is hisstrange behavior the result of an infatuation with the young Doreen Lilly? Asfor affairs at the Lovelocks house it is increasingly apparent that BerthaLovelock is now in her dotage and a new and most unfortunate habit is the causeof considerable embarrassment to the good people of Lulling. All these mattersand more are faced by our old friends against the familiar background andchanging seasons of the English Cotswolds. « is een netwerk voor sociaal lezen. Wij helpen lezers nieuwe boeken en schrijvers ontdekken, en brengen lezers met elkaar en schrijvers in contact. Meer lezen »
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