
Auszug Aus Robert Simson's Lateinischer
Auszug Aus Robert Simson's Lateinischer
Enthaltend Die Von Ihm Getroffenen AB Nderungen Und Eingeschalteten S Tze, Nebst Den Geometris... »

Ebene Oerter
Ebene Oerter

The Elements of Euclid
The Elements of Euclid
The Errors, by Which Theon, Or Others, Have Long Ago Vitiated These Books, Are Corrected and Some of Euclid's Demonstrations Are Restored. Also, the Book of ... »

Elements of Euclid
Elements of Euclid
The Errors, By Which Theon, Or Others, Have Long Ago Vitiated These Books Are Corrected, And Some Of Euclid'S Demonstrations Are Restored. Also, The Book Of ... »