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Hawaiki, Ancestral Polynesia
Hawaiki, Ancestral Polynesia
An Essay In Historical Anthropology »

Illustrated Guide To Hawaiian Archaeological Sites »

Legacy Of The Landscape
Legacy Of The Landscape
An Illustrated Guide To Hawaiian Archaeological Sites »

A Shark Going Inland Is My Chief
A Shark Going Inland Is My Chief
the Island Civilization of Ancient Hawai'I »

Island Societies
Island Societies
Archaeological Approaches to Evolution and Transformation »

Feathered Gods and Fishooks
Feathered Gods and Fishooks
Introduction to Hawaiian Archaeology and Prehistory »

The Lapita Peoples
The Lapita Peoples
This is a comprehensive account of the Lapita people, the common ancestor of the Polynesian, Melanesian and Micronesian peoples who, over the last 4000 years... »

How Chiefs Became Kings
How Chiefs Became Kings
Divine Kingship and the Rise of Archaic States in Ancient Hawai'i »

On The Road Of The Winds
On The Road Of The Winds
An Archaeological History of the Pacific Islands Before European Contact »