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Read And Write It Out Loud!
Read And Write It Out Loud!
Guided Oral Literacy Strategies »

Isabel and the Hungry Coyote
Isabel and the Hungry Coyote
A little girl on her way to Grandmas house. A basket of goodies. A lurkingscoundrel. Sound familiar? Yes but this time the Chihuahua Desert of theAmerican so... »

Paco y la Planta de Chile Gigante = Paco and the Giant Chile Plant
Paco y la Planta de Chile Gigante = Paco and the Giant Chile Plant
Paco y la Planta de Chile Gigante »

Paco and the Giant Chile Plant
Paco and the Giant Chile Plant
Retelling of Jack of the Beanstalk with a southwestern twist is a desertsetting. »

Teaching Grammar Through Writing
Teaching Grammar Through Writing
Activities to Develop Writer's Craft in All Students in Grades 4-12 »