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Shostakovich Symphonies and Concertos
Shostakovich Symphonies and Concertos
Symphonies And Concertos »

Beethoven's Fifth and Seventh Symphonies
Beethoven's Fifth and Seventh Symphonies
A Closer Look »

Sibelius, The Orchestral Music »

Bernstein's Orchestral Music
Bernstein's Orchestral Music
An Owner's Manual »

Dvorak - Romantic Music's Most Versatile Genius
Dvorak - Romantic Music's Most Versatile Genius
Unlocking the Masters Series, No. 5 »

Exploring Haydn
Exploring Haydn
A Listener's Guide to Music's Boldest Innovator [With 2 CDs] »

Wasting The Dawn
Wasting The Dawn
Wasting the Dawn »

Brahms' Symphonies
Brahms' Symphonies
Brahms' symphonies are often treated somewhat like medicine, as something »

The Mahler Symphonies
The Mahler Symphonies
The Mahler Symphonies »

Yoga Beneath the Surface
Yoga Beneath the Surface
An American Student And His Indian Teacher Discuss Yoga Philosophy And Practice »