
The Flight from Work
The Flight from Work

A Concise Introduction To Matlab
A Concise Introduction To Matlab
A Concise Introduction to MATLAB »

Introduction To Matlab For Engineers
Introduction To Matlab For Engineers
Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers »

Modeling Analysis And Control Of Dynamic Systems
Modeling Analysis And Control Of Dynamic Systems
This text presents coverage of dynamic systems, such as mechanical and electrical systems, as well as fluid and thermal systems, and features introduction of... »

Introduction To Matlab 7 For Engineers
Introduction To Matlab 7 For Engineers
Introduction to Matlab 7 for Engineers »

System Dynamics
System Dynamics
System Dynamics »

System Dynamics
System Dynamics
Presents an introduction to MATLABregistered and Simulinkregistered. Thistitle covers discussion of the root locus and frequency response plots amongother me... »