
Leading In Times Of Crisis
Leading In Times Of Crisis
Navigating Through Complexity, Diversity and Uncertainty to Save Your Business »

Kopf, Herz und Mut zum Risiko
Kopf, Herz und Mut zum Risiko
Das Komplett-Programm zur Entwicklung Ihrer besten Mitarbeiter »

Why Ceos Fail
Why Ceos Fail
Leaders (and those that aspire to lead) often fail because they succumb to certain derailing behaviours: the eleven deadly sins. The authors (both psychologi... »

Action Coaching
Action Coaching
This text explains how to use coaching to leverage organizational change. The book starts with goals the company must accomplish - the strategic need to have... »

Action Learning
Action Learning
Defines the strategic business objectives and then shapes on-the-job learning experiences that teach new skills and new behaviours to support those objective... »

Leadership Passages
Leadership Passages
The Personal And Professional Transitions That Make Or Break A Leader »

Head, Heart And Guts: How The World's Best Compani Es Develop Complete Leaders
Head, Heart And Guts: How The World's Best Compani Es Develop Complete Leaders
This book reveals the three most important capabilities leaders must demonstrate today: the ability to set strategy, empathize with others, and take risks - ... »

Unnatural Leadership
Unnatural Leadership
Going Against Intuition And Experience To Develop Ten New Leadership Instincts »

The 2008 Pfeiffer Annual
The 2008 Pfeiffer Annual
The 2008 Pfeiffer Annual »